Handy Resources...

This page is intended to house resources handy for the ICP-MS chemist...

Note the peri pump tool on the right is designed for PerkinElmer integrated peri pumps on Elan and NexION instruments. Should work OK for Gilson Minipuls 3 pumps as well. Variations on pump tension and between tubes may affect flow rate. You can easily measure actual flow rate by using a small (e.g. 10mL) measuring cylinder and timing how much is removed from this by the pump in a certain time (e.g. 1 minute, or take the average over several minutes).

Remote Assistance 

Download, Open and Run the .zip file below for remote assistance from us...

TeamViewerQSRobSci.zip TeamViewerQSRobSci.zip
Size : 16832.968 Kb
Type : zip

If you need more details see the document below...

Use this tool to calculate your sample flow into your nebuliser (NexION 300/350 - for NexION 2000 please use Excel tool below)...